Rainbow Ranch Arabians
Reg No: CAHR47197
Born 9th June 2007 out of Fareesha by Krayaan Dilmun (pearlislandarabians.co.uk) Wonderful, kind temperament, excellent conformation, great endurance/sports potential. STD free.
Reg No: CAHR47130
Born 5th June 1999 out of Faranza (warrenshillarabians.co.uk) by Sahara Rasheed (pearlislandarabians.co.uk) Beautiful, quiet, easy to do, anyone can ride mare. Purchased in year 2000.
Why choose Arabian?
The Arabian is renowned for its endurance capabilities, able to complete a 100 mile race in nine and a half hours riding time, (1 day event), over varied terrain. This is because of the large heart (cardiovascular system) they have, (twice that of any other native breed). Historically they have been crossed with other native breeds to produce exceptional sports horses, most notably the thoroughbred.